Continuing with our brief visit to
southern Nebraska… As we moved westward along the Lincoln Highway (US Hwy 30),
we continued to search for places that are listed on the National Register of
Historical Places. Our efforts always
ensure that we take a better look at the communities that we’re passing
through…and we learn a little bit about history too!
As per its listing on the Nebraska
National Historic Sites website, this is the IOOF Opera House. It was built by James M. and Joshua Cox in
Hampton Nebraska. This two-story brick
building originally housed retail businesses on the first level, with the opera
house and Independent Order of the Odd Fellows meeting hall on the second
floor. The stage has a wooden proscenium
arch and a vintage curtain, depicting a nude with flower garlands, fringes, and
As the last frontier approached an end,
nearly every town of any distinction on the Plains boasted an opera house. The
term "opera house" was preferred over theater" since opera was considered
a highly respected art form rather than mere popular amusement, even though grand
opera itself was seldom actually performed.
What the management offered on its stage depended primarily on the town’s
proximity to a railroad, which in the late nineteenth century served as the
major link to the outside world. Whether
or not opera troupes ever sang for local audiences, an opera house was viewed
as the crowning achievement…re: tangible proof that a town had come of
age! In addition to performances per se,
these ‘opera’ houses provided a venue for community gatherings and activities.

There wasn’t much going on in Hampton…and
yet there was obviously pride in the community with these colorful flower baskets hanging from the old fashioned looking
light poles. This building wasn’t listed
on the National Register but I liked the look of it… It was the First National
Bank and the dates on this building are 1884 and 1912. It looks more like a 1912 structure to
me…with modifications.
Hampton, which was originally called
Murray, was surveyed and platted in 1879.
Joshua Cox of Illinois was the driving force behind Hampton’s founding. The town was incorporated in 1883. Hampton quickly became a local shipping
center for agricultural goods—in 1887 the Hampton railroad station shipped out
1,065 railroad cars of grain! Today the
population of Hampton has declined to just over 400 residents.
Hampton was the center of a celebrated
legal case regarding the teaching of foreign languages. As per a 1919 Nebraska
law, the ‘Siman Act’ imposed restrictions on both the use of a foreign language
as a medium of instruction and on foreign languages as a subject of study. With respect to the use of a foreign language
while teaching, it provided that "No person, individually or as a teacher,
shall, in any private, denominational, parochial or public school, teach any
subject to any person in any language other than the English language." The law was struck down by the Supreme
Court. To learn more, go to
This is a view from the courthouse square
in Aurora Nebraska. Aurora is just 6
miles from Hampton and it’s the county seat for Hamilton County. Note the brick streets. Laurie and I saw more brick streets in
Nebraska than we’ve seen in many, many years.
The good news is that people do not speed on brick pavement!
This is the bandstand in Aurora’s very
attractive courthouse square. The
bandstand dates back to the late 1800’s…very classic indeed!
The current population of Aurora is
roughly 4,500. The town was laid out in
1871 by David Stone…who named it after his home town of Aurora Illinois. The Burlington and Missouri Railroad came to
town in 1879 and that spurred a period of fast growth.
This impressive structure is the Hamilton
County Courthouse in Aurora Nebraska.
This massive red limestone building was built back in 1895 and its
construction cost was $60,000! In
today’s dollars, that would come to roughly $1,720,000…
While in Aurora, we were also looking for
this historic building…but all we found was a vacant lot on the corner. It was originally called the Royal
Highlanders Building. Designed after the
Balmoral Castle in Scotland, construction on the building began in 1904 for the
Royal Highlander Insurance Company. It
was originally known as the Royal Highlander Douglas Castle No. 1. The building, which sat on Aurora’s
courthouse square, was destroyed by fire on July 10, 2008.
While checking out what had happened to
the Royal Highlanders Building, I ran across some information on the company
that built it. This photo is of the
Royal Highlanders drill team from Ida Grove, Iowa. The Royal Highlanders was originally a
fraternal insurance organization.
There were two classes of membership,
benefit and social. The ritual of the
Royal Highlanders was based on the story of William Wallace and Robert the
Bruce in their struggle for Scottish independence, and was intended to teach
“Prudence, Fidelity and Valor”. Degree
teams wearing kilts and glengarries and carrying shields and swords initiated
new members into the Order.
In 1930, the Order numbered some 17,000
members, both men and women, with “extensive investments” in Nebraska farmland.
Seven years later, the Order reincorporated
to become a mutual life insurance company, and it was renamed as Lincoln Mutual
Life Insurance Company in 1946.
Many of the buildings surrounding
Aurora’s courthouse square are over 100 years old. Almost all of the structures were
occupied…always a great sign in a rural community in this day and age. These 3 buildings are dated 1908, 1904 and
Harold Eugene Edgerton was from
Aurora. He was the inventor of the
strobe light and for strobe flash photography.
In 2003, the largest hailstone recorded
in US history fell near Aurora. It
measured over 7 inches across. However,
in 2010 a hailstone was recovered in Vivian South Dakota that set a new record
for size and weight. It was over 8
inches across and weighed almost 2 lbs.
Those dimensions were documented after some melting occurred when it was
preserved in a freezer where the power had been out for a few hours! (FYI…a
soccer ball is 8.6 inches across)

Moving west we crossed the beautiful Platte
River near Grand Island Nebraska. The
Platte River is a major river in the state of Nebraska. Measured to its farthest source via its
tributary, the North Platte River, this watershed flows for over 1,050 miles! It is a tributary of the Missouri River. Over most of its length, the Platte is a
muddy, broad, shallow, meandering stream with a swampy bottom and many
islands—a braided stream. These characteristics
made it too difficult for canoe travel, and it was never used as a major
navigation route by European-American trappers or explorers.
However, the Platte River Valley did play an important role in the westward expansion of the United States, providing the
route for several major emigrant trails, including the Oregon, California,
Mormon and Bozeman trails. The first
Europeans to see the Platte were French explorers and fur trappers about 1714. They first called it the Nebraskier, a
transliteration of the name given to the river by the Otoe people, meaning
"flat water".

Our next stop was Grand Island
Nebraska. Grand Island is the county
seat for Hall County. This imposing
structure is the Liederkranz… In 1870, German settlers met to organize a German
singing society or "Liederkranz" to provide musical and social
entertainment and to cultivate the members' musical talents. This large brick building, constructed in
1911-12, was designed by a Liederkranz member, and it demonstrates influences
of the Neo-Classical Revival style. The
hall has long been a community meeting place, an auditorium for civic
activities, and a polling place.
There will be more on Grand Island and
its historic building in a forthcoming posting, but that’s about it for
now. Just click on any of the photos to
enlarge them.
Thanks for stopping by for a visit and a
brief historical tour!
Take Care, Big Daddy Dave