Friday, September 4, 2020

Missing Family Visits…Looking forward to 2021!

Like many older folks with a higher risk of complications from Covid-19, we haven’t been able to hit the road to visit family nor have they been able to visit us.  Safety first…with the only visitors this year being Laurie’s sister, Bonnie and her husband Bill.  Kids can be ‘carriers’ while being asymptomatic so they present a real risk for older folks, especially since school has started up.

Nevertheless, we do miss all of our family!  What follows are some recent photos of our family that have been sent to us.  The kids are growing up, that’s for sure!

This is Laurie’s nephew Marc, his wife Tammy and their oldest daughter Abby.  Abby has just started her first year of college at the University of Missouri.  Marc is Laurie’s sister Karole’s son.  Marc and Tammy have 2 other daughters as well…Regan and Cate. 

This is Charley Kate!  She loves the camera.  She is one of Laurie’s great nieces.  She is Laurie’s sister Bonnie’s granddaughter.  Bonnie’s daughter Kasey is Charley Kate’s mom. 

This is one of Laurie’s great nephews.  Collin is a baseball standout!  He’s accompanied by Charlie Kate at the right of the photo with her sister Elliot Jane at the left.  Elliot Jane is obviously star struck!  Collin is one of Laurie’s sister Bonnie’s grandsons.  The other one is Keaton.  Bonnie’s son Kyle is both boy’s dad.

Charley Kate sure gets into a lot of photos!  She’s taken up hockey and she is excelling in the sport… In the second photo, she's with her dad, Kevin.

This is Elliot Jane and she looks very happy.  She was at her grandma Bonnie’s house and she’d just been shown these dolls that she and Charley Kate can play with whenever they visit.  The dolls and doll clothes were my mother’s and she’d made all those outfits…one of her many creative phases.  Since Laurie and I don’t have any granddaughters, we thought that this was a fitting home for the dolls.  They have joined a miniature tea set that we’d passed down to Bonnie from my grandmother’s belongings.

Both of these young ladies are Bonnie and Bill’s grandchildren too.  They are Kasey’s daughter’s Avery and Delaney.

Elliott Jane and Charley Kate were excited and ready to go to school.  Love the uniforms and that sign…

These are all of Kasey’s girls…and all of Bonnie’s granddaughters.  Avery is holding Elliot Jane and Charley Kate is standing next to Delaney.  There were photos of all of them in masks in preparation for school and that is important but these photos are more enjoyable.

Laurie’s sisters and their extended families all live in the St. Louis Missouri metropolitan area… We will be St. Louis bound as soon as possible! 

Now for one of our grandsons… The redhead in this group photo with the Track and Field t-shirt is our grandson Emmett Lee.  This summer, he and the rest of this group had volunteered to coach elementary school kids who were interested in track and field.  Emmett was bummed out that all of his sports were cancelled this year…but at least he was able to get out there and help others.

This is a recent photo of Emmett on the deck of the family’s home in Omaha.  He is tall and lean!  This fall he’s a junior in high school and he’ll be 17 in November. 

I’ll end this family photo session with a couple of selfies that were sent to us from New York City.  David III is a sophomore this fall as New York University.  Unfortunately, both school and the city are greatly changed from the first part of his freshman year.  He’ll make the best of it though just because that’s the way he looks at things.  He had to check into his apartment 14 days prior to classes starting.  Coming from a state that New York had labeled as a coronavirus hot spot, he had to go into quarantine.  Facetime, video games, meals delivered…and boredom!  He took the first photo as soon as he was ‘free’ to leave solitary confinement.  The second one shows the view from his apartment.  I was impressed that I had to actually ask him to take a photo for us without a mask… He’s following the rules!

We miss our grandsons…as well as their parents, Amy and David II.  We hope to see everyone by mid-2021!  Waiting for a vaccine…

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


  1. Understandably, you and Laurie and so many others miss seeing nit only family but friends as well. We are also in that large group as most of ours live in various states, other than NH. Thanks for sharing this photo post of those folks you miss seeing.

  2. kids look so cute....
    you have so wonderful families....

    Have a great day

  3. I miss my European family as well, friend David! Especially my mumme (age 90). Am thinking to myself to go and see her for her 91st no matter what. Am avoided phoning her cuz tears over the phone are never a good thing. Theo Thunderbutt knows (TheoNose ... smiles) as he took to huddling with under my blankets. Or maybe he just likes licking salty tears, I dunno.
    Much love, cat.

  4. I understand David is a hard time and I go out only once a weekd to buy some things.
    All these pictures are lovely hope you will see them soon ! Hugs and love
