Monday, February 14, 2022


Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!  This special day isn’t just for lovers but it’s also for family members and those special friends that we cherish and love spending time with.

After spending 43 Valentine Days together, our special day will be very low key.  We won’t be going out for dinner and fighting the crowds… Instead, we’ll just spend the time together, perhaps with a Hallmark movie and a bit of wine along with our hugs and kisses…

Valentine’s Day here in East Tennessee can be a bit different than you might expect.  We do enjoy those differences even when the thought process is well beyond our imagination.

Yes, there are flowers involved!  An appointment with my endodontist always results in a cluster of flowers given in appreciation by the happiest and most cheerful receptionist/office manager imaginable! 

FYI, these flowers are Alstroemerias…also known as Peruvian Lilies or Lilies of the Incas.  They are native flowers in South America.

Even area law enforcement is in the mood for love and hugs!  At the first of the month, the following ‘message of love and caring’ accompanied the photo shown above was posted on Facebook.

“Tomorrow kicks off the month for celebrating the love in your life.  And we don’t want you to forget those ex’s that did you wrong either!

Do you have an ex-Valentine and know that they have outstanding warrants?  Do you have information that they are driving with drugs in their car?  Give us a call with their location and we’ll take care of the rest.

This Valentine’s Day Month-Long Special starts off with a set of limited-edition platinum bracelets, free transportation with a chauffeur, a one-night minimum stay in luxurious accommodations and professional glamor shots that will be posted on-line for all to enjoy.  This special is capped off with a special Valentine’s dinner.

We know this special is so incredible that you may be tempted to provide additional referrals.  We don’t blame you, this special is too sweet to pass up.  Operators are standing by!”

They went on to say, “Laugh all you want, but someone reading this is about to call and give someone up!”  Happy Valentine’s Day!

Then there is this…a Red State Valentine Special for sure!

Nothing says love better than gifting your sweetheart with a sleek new shooting iron!  Just make sure that she 1) really loves you, and 2) she doesn’t have a bad temper…

FYI…These advertising stickers were pasted on the front page of our local weekly newspaper for the two weeks prior to Valentine’s Day.  Even more exciting was that if you brought either of these ads into the store, you would receive a 10% discount on the purchase of your sweetheart’s new firearm!

Forty-three (almost 44) years after we first met, we have changed just a tad… Two facts remain though!  We are each other’s best friend and we still truly love each other…


·       Our first encounter was a ‘blind date’.  She’d booked the date on a Thursday because she had to go to work early the next day and that would give her an excuse to bail out early.  However, despite the fact that I was a blind date and ‘an old guy’, Laurie was ‘won over’ when I rubbed her feet that evening… 

·       I did risk our future though as I didn’t call her back until 12 days after our first date.  I didn’t want her to think that I was ‘pushy’ or too aggressive… BTW, she did forgive my serious gaffe!

Laurie had a Burmese cat whose name was Max.  The fact that he liked me immediately was a major plus!  Just think, the rest of my life was determined by a cat’s affection… 

·       Eons ago when CB Radios were the rage, our ‘handle’ was “Beauty and the Beast”.  She’d talk to the truckers and then, at an appropriate time she’d mention that she was riding with “the Beast”. 

Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone!

Thanks for stopping by for a visit…

Take Care, Big Daddy Dave and Laurie


  1. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Laurie! The cat knew better :-))

  2. HAPPY Valentine's Day to you all! I hope you have a "lovely" time!

  3. What a great story!!!
    You two were meant for each other and it's great having a "beast" for a brother-in-law.
    Happy Valentines Day to you both! ❤💜💜❤

  4. Happy Valentine's day dear David and Laurie!!!xoxo

  5. Happy Valentine’s Day to Laurie and you! Cupid’s 💘 arrows found her/his mark with you guys! 💘👍👍

  6. Happy Valentine’s Day to Laurie and you! Cupid’s 💘 arrows found her/his mark with you guys! 💘👍👍

  7. I really enjoyed the young pic and your meeting up story. You've barely changed.

  8. Great blog! LOVE the Valentine's from Law Enforcement! ❤️

  9. Dear Dave, I am so happy for you and Laurie that Max liked you!! You are a very handsome couple and so happy that you both found your mate on that blind date. It was a beautiful love story. Happy Valentine's Day to you and Laurie!! Catherine

  10. Thanks for sharing your how you met story, Dave. And also for showing those gift ads which are not something that would be on my wish list.
