We took
our time driving north along the Maine coast, stopping to take photos, shop a
little, etc. It’s only a little over 33
miles from Rockland, where we were staying, and our objective for the day in Searsport…
This is
the Visitor’s Center, admissions desk and museum store at the Penobscot Marine
Museum in Searsport. The museum was
established way back in 1936 by descendants of former sea captains, with the
objective of celebrating, preserving and promoting the area’s maritime
heritage. This multi-faceted museum
covers a total of 3.1 acres.
Of the 13
buildings comprising the Museum, a total of 8 structures are listed on the
National Register of Historic Places.
The brick building in the photo is a former Congregational Vestry that
dates back to 1841.

The Greek
revival style First Congregational Church was built in 1834. Although it is contained within the
boundaries of the Penobscot Marine Museum, it isn’t owned by it. It is still an active congregation. As it turned out, we were fortunate to arrive
close to the time that a guide was scheduled to give a tour of this magnificent
This is a
view toward the altar and the church’s impressive organ. Although it isn’t readily visible in this
photo, the oak church pews are bowed/curved…much like a boat’s hull. Due to repairs and refurbishment necessitated
by water damage, the old pews were removed ca. 1902 and the new ones were bent
in a steam box, the same way ship’s timbers were fashioned in some older
The organ
was installed in 1905, replacing an earlier one. It was built by the E.W. Lane Organ Company
in Massachusetts. It has 1,116 pipes!
stained glass windows pictured above are representative of the spectacular
windows installed here that were completed by a man named George Spence from Boston. They too were installed in 1902 and had all
been recently cleaned and restored at the time of our visit.
This is
the Captain Jeremiah Merithew House.
FYI, Captain Merithew was not captain of a boat per se, but rather the
owner of a ship building company. The
house was situated so he could oversee the operation as well as observe the
bank that he also owned. The
exhibits in this house are quite amazing and varied. There are marine related paintings,
scrimshaw, ship models, porcelain from the Far East, furniture, photographs and
much more.
Laurie and I really enjoyed
and marveled at a 1929 film of a ship called “The Peking” sailing around Cape
Horn. It was narrated by a seaman (later
Captain) who had made the trip. “The
Peking” is still afloat and undergoing restoration in Germany. She was launched in 1911 and she made 34
voyages around Cape Horn carrying nitrate and wheat. For more information on this ship, you can go
to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peking_(ship).
We love
antiques from China, Japan and Korea.
This intricate chest guarded by oversized Foo Dogs certainly caught our
Chinese guardian lions are miscalled “Foo or Fu Dogs” in the West
walrus tusk is one of the largest and most intricate pieces of scrimshaw
artistry that we’ve ever seen. The
collection of scrimshaw at the museum is quite extensive.
I took a
large number of photos of ship paintings while touring the museum…mainly
because I love classic old ship paintings!
This painting is entitled “Wharves at Castine” and it was painted ca.
1900 by George Savary Wasson.
painting is entitled “Ship Hibernia in Storm”.
It was painted by an unknown artist ca. 1835. The ship was built in New York in 1830.
painting by Thomas Butterworth Sr. was completed in 1815. It’s titled “HMS Shannon captures USS
Chesapeake – June 1, 1813”. FYI, in this
battle, as he was dying, US Captain James Lawrence, coined the phrase “Don’t give
up the ship”.
generous? I’d love to have any painting
done by any of the 3 generations of Butterworths…Thomas Sr., Thomas Jr. or James
E. Thanks in advance!
addition to many, many paintings, there were a wide variety of intricate ship
models. This is the “B. Ayman”, a
full-rigged ship built in Searsport in 1840.
This model was completed by Capt. Phineas B. Blanchard. (1879 – 1962)
strange looking ship is the schooner “Thomas W. Lawson”. This steel hull ship was the only schooner
with 7 masts ever built. The model was
built by Eugene F. Porter. The actual
ship was 385 feet long and each of her masts were 193 feet high. She was built in 1902 and sank in a storm
near England in 1907.
This is
another example of the variety on display at the Penobscot Marine Museum. From left to right, we have the following
uniforms: Bavarian soldier’s tunic; US Army tunic from the “All American” 82nd
Division, and; a US Navy tunic.
were plentiful throughout the museum. I
loved this old photo of downtown Searsport.
Too bad I didn’t think to take a current one to compare… I did locate a current copyrighted photo on the Internet that shows that the two buildings at the far right of this old photo are still standing.
From the
time of Searsport’s founding until the present day, the town has been home to
more than 500 master mariners. I took a
photo of one segment of a display that includes photos of 293 of these
Captains. Those with a black star by
their photo went to sea and didn’t return.
This is
the Nickels-Colcord-Duncan House. It was
built ca. 1845 and it now houses the museum’s administrative offices.
Stephen Phillips Memorial Library is a research library that houses the
museum’s photographic collection. One of
the archivists showed us some of the old negatives that they have in the
collection and he gave us some information on a few of the photos on the
unusual old ambrotype photo is labeled “Chinese Steward with Captain C.F.
Carver”. Captain Carver mastered ships
to the Far East from 1870 until 1901.
Just who this person was is a matter of conjecture.
attention getting device is referred to as a “Tramp Chair”. It was created by a deputy sheriff from
Oakland Maine who built several of them in 1896. He thought that they could be the answer to
the “hobo nuisance” that existed at that time.
He wanted the state to support their use but his suggestion was
rejected. They became sideshow
attractions at fairs…
This is
Peapod: the Savage Education Center.
It’s located in the Josiah Dutch House, which was built ca. 1848. This former home of a shipbuilder now serves
as a place for hands-on activities and learning for children.
This is
an interior photo of the Education Center.
Kids can be a ship’s captain, a shopkeeper, dress up in clothing from
the 1800's, play with ship models, tie knots, use their imagination, etc.
This is
the Nickels-Colcord-Duncan Boat Barn. It
was built ca. 1845. Its home for many of
the traditional boats of Maine that were built in the late 1800's and early
I’m not
even sure which buildings these photos were taken in… However, they do give viewers
a glimpse of the extensive variety and scope of the artifacts and photographs
on display at the Penobscot Marine Museum!
This is a
lobster trap. Without this equipment,
Laurie wouldn’t be able to find her favorite food on a menu.
there are several types of lobster traps, most of the newer traps in New
England consist of a plastic-coated frame.
A piece of bait is placed inside the trap and the traps are dropped onto
the sea floor. A long rope attached to
the trap reaches up to the surface to a marker buoy that is imprinted with the
trap’s owner’s lobster fishing license number.
This may
look like a canoe but it really is a canvas covered “peapod”, a traditional
Maine boat. This one was built in
1982…and it’s stretched canvas over a frame.
The original “peapods” made with wood, weighed 300 lbs. “Peapods” were developed by Native Americans
before the arrival of Europeans. They
were for use on salt water and are perhaps best described as a canoe adapted
for rough water with a heavy carrying capacity.
This old
boat is called a “Yawl Boat”. This one
is from the coastal schooner “Lillian”.
Both this boat and the “Lillian” were built in 1876. The yawl boat (motorized) was suspended from
the stern of the schooner and her job was to help maneuver the larger vessel to
and from the dock.
rough looking boat was made from hackmatack knees and pine planking with oak
rails. It is a ‘smelt scow’ that was
built in 1934 and which was used until the mid-1950's for commercial smelt
fishing on the Penobscot River. This
scow is 30 feet 10 inches long. It was
originally propelled with a sculling oar at the rear although in later years an
outboard motor was used.
Note: I learned something new… The tamarack tree
is a bog tree, fast-growing with shallow roots.
Their ‘hackmatack’ roots are prized because of their strength and
durability to create braces in building of wooden ships. The roots are also decay resistant…a big win
on ships.
We didn’t
know what this was either… It’s a herring scaler. Herring were pumped in water into this cage
which spun rapidly. The metal mesh
striped off the scales which fell through the mesh with the fish going into the
ship’s hold.
device wasn’t just a convenience for cleaning the fish. Herring scales are a valuable commodity in
making cosmetics. The scales were
processed, becoming ‘pearl essence’.
Fish scales are still used in various products in this day and age.
The proceeding
3 photos show the front of the Fowler-True-Ross House, the master bedroom and
the parlor. This Sea Captain’s home was
built ca. 1815. It’s completely furnished to include Chinese
and Japanese export porcelain, paintings, textiles as well as period furniture.
I know
that this has been a long blog post.
Still, I only utilized a fraction of the photos we took at the
museum. I didn’t show the tools used by
loggers, farmers, housewives, ice harvesters, ship builders and mariners. I left out ship figureheads and dioramas. The ship models, paintings and small craft
that I featured were a tiny fraction of those on display.
Penobscot Marine Museum is a big, well organized museum. It is a very interesting place and we highly
recommend it to others. The museum is located
at 2 Church Street in Searsport Maine.
Phone: 207-548-0334. Website: www.penobscotmarinemuseum.org. It is closed for the season and will reopen
on Memorial Day weekend in 2019.
click on any of the photos to enlarge them…
for stopping by for a visit…and for persisting until the end!
Care, Big Daddy Dave
The museum looks like a fun visit, especially the church and it's impressive organ.