Monday, March 16, 2020

Another Day…and a Little Excitement!

And here we are… Today is our third day of Covid-19 related self-isolation/sequestration/social separation from the world at large.  While we will make exceptions when it comes to necessary trips to doctors, pharmacies and, at some point, the grocery store, we are basically in a lock-down mode.

However, the following photos were all taken prior to retreating into the safety of our cocoon… 

We had to get up early on a couple of occasions due to the ‘early morning’ arrival of various home service providers.  Laurie grabbed this photo of the sunrise!  It’s something that we just don’t see that often. 

Getting up ‘early’ for us is defined as any time before 8 AM.  Actually, 8:30 AM is about perfect!  We don’t go to bed until about 12:30 AM for Laurie and about 1:00 AM for yours truly.

Yes, that fire truck is parked in front of our house!  Great looking fire engine isn’t it!?

So what happened?  I was upstairs in the bonus/computer room/man cave #1 and Laurie was watching TV when she heard a loud “Pop, Pop, Pop”!  She got me on the intercom and I came downstairs to see what was going on…

We both smelled what seemed like burning or burnt plastic.  The first discovery was that our DeLonghi Drip (Press) Coffee Maker was out of commission.  The outlet wasn’t hot and other lights as well as our Keurig on the same circuit were still working.  Also, none of the breakers were thrown in the breaker boxes…

We looked around and after a short time we still smelled that burnt plastic odor. We called 911 and convinced the operator to just send someone from the fire department to check things out.  Our request ‘sort of worked’.  Thankfully, the fire department did arrive without their sirens on…but as you can see, we got a lot more attention than just someone to check things out.

We ended up with 5 emergency vehicles as well as the Fire Chief from the Tellico Village Volunteer Fire Department.  He asked us to ‘evacuate’ the house while they performed their checks.  The crew, including the Chief, all geared up before entering the house...

When the whole house inspection with heat sensors was completed, we were given the all clear.  They did check out the DeLonghi Coffee Maker and found that the heating plate kicked up to 400 F in a hurry.  That is way above any normal heat level as its primary job is just to keep a pot of coffee hot…

We are thankful for the professional effort and response from the Tellico Village Volunteer Fire Department!

Luck was on our side in that we had a back-up low cost coffee maker on hand and it was a nice day to stand outside and ‘chill’ while the fire department did their job.  So that was the end of our fire/electrical problems…or was it? (More to follow in a separate post)

I’m ending this post with a couple of photos Laurie took of the recent full “Super Worm Moon”.  It’s a lot easier to take decent photos of the sunrise or sunset than it is the moon, that’s for sure.

FYI, the Old Farmer’s Almanac states that the full moon in the month of March is known as the “worm moon” because it’s the time of the year when earthworms begin to come out of the ground.  It was a ‘super’ moon because the moon was its closest to Earth in its orbit.  That makes it look larger and brighter than usual.

Just click on any of the photos to enlarge them…

Thanks for stopping by for a visit!

Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


  1. Glad you didn't have a serious electrical issue

  2. Glad your 'electrical fire' was a minor one... BUT--you were smart to call for help (for peace of mind if nothing else)... In your previous post, those guys did a great job with your new roof... Also---I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new bird feeder... WOW!!!! Terrific...

    Hope you are doing okay as we go through this Virus Scare. No Covid 19 cases in our county so far --but we are being very very careful through this Virus scare. We also are not panicking --and definitely not hoarding items/food, etc... People can be nuts at times like this.

    Stay Healthy and Safe!!

  3. Few thing going on at present, friend David. Your post is much appreciated as always. Love, cat.
