So, here is one of the reasons that Laurie and I periodically make the long trek north! This is Emmett Lee and he's 7 years old. He's very smart, loves his family, his DSI, Legos, running fast, (He has medals!), his room, playing with his brother, eating constantly and, of course, he loves his grandparents. He's very good in school, plays soccer and basketball. He does sometimes talk in a strange roaring voice, causing the rest of us to laugh hysterically...and causing him to keep up the act!
This young man is yet another reason for our visits! David III, as you can see is king of his castle. He's 10 years old, he's an excellent student, loves his family, really enjoys reading, (actual books!), loves his DSI & video games, playing with his friends and with his brother. He's now into strength training... During this last visit, he read an entire volume from the "Wimpy Kid" series to Laurie. (aka Nana) Nana loves to have David read to her. He's a great reader!
Here's Amy with Emmett out by the fire pit. Amy is our daughter-in-law and one of the reasons that we have such great grandchildren! She's a marketing executive for a retail company. Amy works very hard and then works equally hard to ensure that the family spends quality time together. During this Spring Break visit, Amy was off for the whole week! We went out and explored a couple of local parks, played outside with the boys, Nana beat the rest of us Wii Bowling and we beat the boys in Wii team golf. The boys also like board games... David III edged out Emmett and whipped us in the game of "Life". Of course, the game might have turned out a bit differently if we'd read the rules first...
This excited "young", (It's all relative...), man is our son, David namesake. We celebrated his "N/A" birthday while we were there. Here, he's emoting upon opening one of his presents... David is currently finishing up his second year in Law School. He wants to add that JD, (Juris Doctor), to the MBA that he earned from Michigan State. The problem with law school is that he's working harder than he's ever had to in the business world!
And here is the whole happy family! (Emmett appears to be doing his roaring or growling voice...) This little group is what keeps us trekking north. If the current plan works out, they'll pay us a visit in the next few months or so. It should be fun and we can't wait! In summary...we had a great time! There is nothing like family!
Good looking family Dave. It might be good to have a lawyer in the family.